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DIY Herbal Sitz Bath: A Simple and Soothing Way to Heal After Giving Birth

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A herbal sitz bath is a simple and effective way to soothe and heal your perineal area after giving birth. In this post, you’ll learn about the healing benefits of this natural method, the herbs that can support your postpartum recovery, and how to create and customize your own herbal sitz bath.

Herbal ingredients for sitz bath prepared: calendula, plantain, yarrow, comfrey, lavender essential oil and epsom salts

A herbal sitz bath is a shallow basin where you soak your pelvic region in warm water infused with healing herbs. It helps to soothe and heal your perineal area after a vaginal birth, which may be sore, swollen, bruised, grazed or torn after a vaginal birth. I used a herbal sitz bath daily when I had my son and my healthcare provider remarked how fast my recovery time was.  So naturally I’m planning to do it again with baby #2!

I’m particularly excited about making this herbal blend up this time around, as I’ve been able to source all the herbs from my own garden! I love growing my own herbs and using them for various purposes, such as cooking, teas, or skincare. There’s something so satisfying and rewarding about harvesting your own organic herbs.

Freshly harvested herbal sitz bath ingredients drying in dehydrator racks.

Because the herbal sitz bath requires sitting for 15 to 20 minutes, a herbal sitz bath offers a perfect opportunity for creating a daily ritual where you could do a supportive postpartum meditation, slather on a hydrating face mask, or just sit there and breathe and process everything that’s unfolded in the past few days. In any case, it’s a practice that can leave more than just your pelvic region feeling soothed.

In this post, I’ll show you how to make and use a herbal sitz bath for postpartum healing. Let’s get started!

What is a Sitz Bath?

A sitz bath is a type of shallow bath where you can soak your pelvic region in warm water.  Herbal infusions added to a sitz bath have been used for centuries as a natural remedy for various pelvic ailments, such as hemorrhoids, anal fissures, urinary tract infections, yeast infections and healing from vaginal birth.  

They they are safe, effective, easy to use and can be done at home with simple ingredients.  If you’ve ever given birth vaginally, you know that this region can feel pretty darn tender for a week or two, and herbs are beautiful at helping soothe inflammation, prevent infection if you have any grazes, cuts or tears, reduce swelling, promote wound healing and relieve pain.  Classic herbs for a postpartum herbal sitz bath include calendula, lavender, chamomile, comfrey, yarrow, and witch hazel.

Having a herbal sitz bath blend made up and at the ready as part of your postpartum is a wise idea!

Mason jars of dried herbs in kitchen hutch.

Herbal Sitz Bath Ingredients

One of the best things about making your own herbal sitz bath is that you can choose the herbs that suit your needs and preferences. There are many herbs that can be used for postpartum healing, but here are some of the most common and effective ones:

Mama and toddler holding a calendula blossom

Calendula flowers (Calendula officinalis)

This bright yellow flower has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and wound-healing properties. It can help reduce swelling, prevent infection, and speed up the healing of cuts, tears, and stitches.

Comfrey leaf (Symphytum officinalis)

Comfrey is a leafy green plant beloved by vegetable gardeners, as it has so many wonderful soil-enriching properties.  In the herbal healing arena, comfrey has astringent, emollient, and vulnerary properties. It can help tighten and tone the tissues, moisturize and soften the skin, and heal wounds and scars.

Toddler with pile of fresh yarrow leaves

Yarrow flowers and leaves (Achillea millefolium)

Yarrow has a long written history of being used for healing wounds, dating all the way back to the Trojan War times of the 12th or 11th Century BC.   The medicinal variety has white flowers with delicate, feathery leaves.  The leaves and flowers have hemostatic, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic properties. It can help stop bleeding, reduce inflammation, and prevent infection of the perineal area.

Father and son foraging for plantain
Bucket of freshly picked plantain

Plantain leaf (Plantago major)

Plantain is considered an invasive weed, but I welcome its presence in my garden!  This broad green leaf has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and emollient properties. It helps soothe itchy skin, burning, and irritation of the perineal area.

Bottle of lavender essential oil arranged in bowl of epsom salts and dried herbs

Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)

I tend to think of lavender essential oil as a first aid kit in a bottle.  It is well known for its calming and sleep-promoting properties, but its ability to soothe pain and prevent infection is lesser known.  Simply add 1-2 drops of lavender essential oil (not lavender artificial fragrance) to each herbal sitz bath blend.  You could also use dried lavender flowers in this recipe too.  

You can use any combination of these herbs for your herbal sitz bath, depending on what you have available and what you need.  Other herbs you could consider include witch hazel (Hamamelis virginiana), organic oatmeal/rolled oats (Avena sativa), rose petals (Rosa spp.), marshmallow root (Althea officinalis), st. john’s wort (Hypericum perforatum) and organic shepherd’s purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris).

Mixing bowl with wooden spoon containing all the ingredients for the herbal sitz bath

Soothing Herbal Sitz Bath: A Postpartum Healing Recipe

After giving birth, your perineal area may need some extra care and attention. A soothing herbal sitz bath can help you feel more comfortable and relaxed, as well as prevent infection and promote healing of the delicate tissues.

Makes 7 sitz baths.

What You’ll Need

To make a soothing herbal sitz bath, you’ll need the following materials and tools:

  • Materials:
    • 30 grams of dried organic comfrey leaf
    • 30 grams of organic calendula flower
    • 30 grams of organic yarrow flower and leaf
    • 30 grams of organic plantain
    • 10 drops organic lavender essential oil
    • 100 grams of sea salt or epsom salt
  • Tools:
    • A pot with at least 2L capacity
    • A strainer or cheesecloth (to strain herbs) or a large French press 
    • A sitz bath (to soak in)


1. To create your blend, simply add all ingredients to a large mixing bowl or large ziploc bag and mix thoroughly. 

2. To prepare your sitz bath, add 1 large handful (approximately 30 grams) of your herbal/salt blend to your pot or French press and pour over with 2L of boiled water.  

3.  Allow to infuse for at least 30 minutes.  The longer you leave it, the stronger it will be.  You could even have a partner or support person make this up the night before for use the next day.  

4. Strain the herbal infusion through a fine-mesh strainer or cheesecloth into a large container. Discard the herbs or compost them.

5. You may want to gently reheat your brewed infusion if it has cooled right down.  You want it to feel really warm, but not so hot as to burn.  Add to your sitz bath and top up with additional water if required to make sure your entire pelvic region is immersed (urethra, vulva, perineum and anus).  Soak for 15-20 minutes, dry off, and apply some organic perineal balm if you have some.  Repeat daily for 1 week.


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Make your Herbal Sitz Bath a Daily Postpartum Recovery Ritual 

Taking a daily herbal sitz bath is a great way to create a simple postpartum recovery ritual.  Here are some tips to make your herbal sitz bath more soothing and comforting:

  • Wrap yourself in a warm towel or blanket while using the sitz bath, to keep yourself cozy and relaxed. You can also use a heating pad or a hot water bottle to warm up your lower back and abdomen.
  • Light some candles or incense in your bathroom, to create a peaceful and relaxing atmosphere. You could also use an aromatherapy diffuser or spray to fill the air with calming scents, such as lavender, chamomile, or frankincense.
  • Play some soft music or meditation track in the background, to calm your mind and body.
  • Breathe deeply and slowly, and consciously release any tension and stress. You can also practice some gentle pelvic floor exercises, such as Kegels, to strengthen your muscles and improve blood flow.
  • Follow up with an organic perineal balm and a perineal ice pack for a little extra soothing help. You can apply the balm to moisturize and protect your perineal area and use the ice pack to reduce swelling and inflammation.
  • Involve your baby and have a nursing session on the sitz bath!  

By making your herbal sitz bath a daily postpartum recovery ritual, you can enhance your healing process and enjoy some self-care time.

Toddler laying out calendula on dehydrator tray

Other Ways to Use Your Herbal Sitz Bath Recipe

You can use this soothing herbal sitz bath recipe in different ways:

Peri Wash Bottle

Those first postpartum bathroom trips can be brutal and having a peri bottle handy makes pee-ing so much more bearable. Fill a peri bottle with some of the brewed infusion and keep it next to the toilet. When you need to go, spray your perineal area with the herbal infusion during and after every bathroom visit, or whenever you feel sore or irritated. You can also spray some on a cotton pad and place it on your perineum for extra relief. Do this as often as you like.

Herbal Compresses

You can create little, natural herbal compresses by soaking some makeup remover pads with this herbal infusion and applying the moist pad to your perineum as often as you like throughout the day.

Postpartum Padsicles

Soak a regular postpartum pad with some of the soothing herbal sitz bath infusion and place it in a freezer bag. Freeze it until it becomes solid and you’ll have yourself a clever little perineal ice pack! Wrap your herbal pad in a thin cloth and place it on your perineum for cooling and soothing effects. You can do this once or twice a day, or as needed.

Herbal Perineal Spray

Simply add the mix to a spray bottle and use it as a quick spray of relief for your pelvic region as required. This can be kept in the fridge for up to 3 days.

Herbal Bath

If you don’t have a sitz bath, you can simply take a full immersion soak in the bath tub with this blend. It’s not as effective or economical, but you’ll still receive benefits. You can also take a bath with this recipe with your newborn, the herbs will help keep their umbilical cord clean. Prepare with 1-2 handfuls of herbs and top up with bath water.

Glass jar conatining herbal sitz bath blend with sitz bath in the background

Embrace Small Moments Self Care Regularly  

Self-care is very important for new mamas, as it can help you cope with the physical and emotional changes that come with giving birth. Taking some time for yourself to relax and heal can make a big difference in your postpartum journey. These small moments of care practised regularly throughout those early days can make such a difference in experiencing a smoother postpartum journey, and recovery practices like the herbal sitz bath are so wonderful to weave into your healing plan. I wish you all the best in your postpartum healing and new motherhood. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below. 

Happy healing!

Herbal Sitz Bath Resources

  • Organic herbs in Australia: For sourcing organic herbs in Australia, you can check out the following companies:
  • Lavender essential oil (Eco Essentials): Eco Modern Essentials offers lavender essential oil, a key ingredient in your herbal sitz bath. You can find it here.
  • Sitz Bath on Amazon: If you’re looking for a sitz bath, you can find options on Amazon, like this one: Sitz Bath on Amazon.
  • Peri Wash Bottle on Amazon: To make those first postpartum bathroom trips more comfortable, consider a peri wash bottle, available on Amazon: Peri Wash Bottle.
  • Perineum Balm: Blissful Herbs offers a soothing salve that can be applied to your perineal area. You can find it here.
  • Perineum Ice Packs on Amazon: To ease discomfort and reduce swelling, you can use perineum ice packs, available on Amazon: Perineum Ice Packs.
  • Maternity Pads on Amazon: My favourite brand for maternity pads is TOM. They’re so soft and super absorbent. You can find them on Amazon: Maternity Pads.

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Soothing Herbal Sitz Bath: A Postpartum Healing Recipe

Soothing Herbal Sitz Bath: A Postpartum Healing Recipe

Yield: 7 Sitz Baths
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 30 minutes
Total Time: 40 minutes

After giving birth, your perineal area may need some extra care and attention. A soothing herbal sitz bath can help you feel more comfortable and relaxed, as well as prevent infection and promote healing of the delicate tissues.


  • 30 grams of dried organic comfrey leaf
  • 30 grams of organic calendula flower
  • 30 grams of organic yarrow flower and leaf
  • 30 grams of organic plantain
  • 10 drops organic lavender essential oil
  • 100 grams of sea salt or epsom salt


  1. To create your blend, simply add all ingredients to a large mixing bowl or large ziploc bag and mix thoroughly.
  2. To prepare your sitz bath, add 1 large handful (approximately 30 grams) of your herbal/salt blend to your pot or French press and pour over with 2L of boiled water.
  3. Allow to infuse for at least 30 minutes.  The longer you leave it, the stronger it will be.  You could even have a partner or support person make this up the night before for use the next day.
  4. Strain the herbal infusion through a fine-mesh strainer or cheesecloth into a large container. Discard the herbs or compost them.
  5. You may want to gently reheat your brewed infusion if it has cooled right down.  You want it to feel really warm, but not so hot as to burn.  Add to your sitz bath and top up with additional water if required to make sure your entire pelvic region is immersed (urethra, vulva, perineum and anus).  Soak for 15-20 minutes, dry off, and apply some organic perineal balm if you have some.  Repeat daily for 1 week.

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